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IPO vs. Venture Capital

April 21st, 2021

Shafin Diamond Tejani of Victory Square Technologies and Matt Bailey of GameOn on IPO as a preferred exit strategy

DiffuseTap Virtual Event Series – April 21, 2021

“You want to have a good base of supporters upon listing. If you’ve got a tight structure at the time of listing, the share price can be traded at a bit of a premium. That helps the business use its stock as currency to roll up assets at a premium, or raise money on the equity market at a premium.” – Shafin Diamond Tejani, Victory Square Technologies.

“We wouldn’t qualify for the traditional SPAC requirements, and we weren’t really looking for something even like that… And I still don’t know the answer as to why startups don’t understand that this is a path to access capital, to access growth and get liquidity, as opposed to the traditional VC route. It’s not a sure path to guaranteed success, but it’s a viable path.” – Matt Bailey, GameOn

Last time on DiffuseTap, Shafin Diamond Tejani, CEO at Victory Square Technologies, and Matt Bailey, Founder and CEO at GameOn talked about about going public on a global scale – in baby steps – and why some startups might forgo the traditional partnership with a SPAC or VC and decide to take the IPO route, instead.

Listen to the full audio or download last week’s event transcript here.

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