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Fund Branding Strategies

March 24th, 2021

Dave McClure of Practical Venture Capital on Common Fund Branding Mistakes – and How to Fix Them

DiffuseTap Virtual Event Series – March 24, 2021

“People come up with a great sounding thesis, but their background doesn’t match the thesis. People talk about founder-market fit, product-market fit, whatever. But you really have to understand whether you can execute on the thesis that you’re talking about, or can you win the deals that you’re trying to go after? Your thesis might be great, but whether you can win those deals is an entirely different question.” – Dave McClure, Practical Venture Capital

When it comes to branding, less is more, as Dave McClure – founder and managing partner at Practical Venture Capital, founder of 500 Startups, and PayPal Mafioso – shared last time on DiffuseTap.

Catch up on Dave’s fund branding crash course and find out how you can effectively share your own fund’s USP with the world. Listen to the full audio or download last week’s event transcript here.

If you want to make new friends from the Diffuse Fund Ecosystem, email contact@diffusefunds.com.

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